Written by our Human Movement Specialists
You may have recently been experiencing some back, hip, or even shoulder pain. Your physiotherapist or kinesiologist might have told you to start working on your core strength. Not knowing the full reason, you started searching the web for answers on why the core is so important, and that brought you here. The core contributes to almost every function that the body does, in some capacity. Now, the core is not always the answer for your pain or why it is happening. There can be many reasons for pain, but it can be a common contributor.
Why is my core?
When we refer to the core, we are not only referring to the rectus abdominis (the six-pack that everybody is after) but the several other muscle groups that work with your abs to stabilize your pelvis and the lumbar (lower) spine. Your core includes your deep muscles like the transverse abdominis, your obliques (both the internal and external) and even your lumbar spine musculature like the quadratus lumborum.

How does a strong core help my pain?
Well, like we mentioned earlier, the core helps in almost every function that we do as humans. The core is rarely ever “turned off”, it holds you up and stabilizes your body. If your core is weak, you will likely feel off balance, have poor postural habits, and experience muscle strain. You may even wrongly overcompensate through your back or hips while lifting, stretching or bending leading to pain, stiffness and possibly injury.
How do I strengthen my core?
You can use resistance bands, balance boards, exercise balls, and postural devices to improve your core strength. Come into a Paris everyBODY location and chat with one of our Human Movement Specialists to learn more!