Written by our Human Movement Specialists
Back Pain While Pregnant
Feel the love, not the back pain
During pregnancy the body undergoes a lot of changes in order to grow a person. You enter pregnancy knowing your belly will get bigger but there may be unexpected implications of what that actually FEELS like: difficulty walking, a sore back, abdominal strain, hip and pelvic pain, pressure, and feeling unbalanced due to the change in your center of gravity.
With all of the potential aches and pains, it’s tempting to sit and rest more often than not to take the load off. However, it’s better for you, and your baby, to keep moving to prep for delivery. A maternity belt can provide relief to keep you feeling excited about your new arrival instead of wishing pregnancy only lasted two trimesters.

Benefits of Maternity Belts
We carry two maternity belts, in different widths, to target your specific symptoms. Despite the width both choices share several features:
Adjustable to grow with your growing belly
A soft panel wraps underneath your belly to lessen the strain on the lower abdominal
Double side pulls allow you to control the amount of compression for tailored back support and encourage proper posture
Fit across the hip area to stabilize the hips, as ligaments begin to loosen, to make walking more comfortable
Lightweight to fit easily under clothing
Visit one of our locations to try one on and see how a maternity belt can make pregnancy life a little easier.