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Written by our Human Movement Specialists

What is RSI?

Practice makes perfect, but not when it comes to Repetitive Strain Injuries.

Some common examples of RSI's are carpal tunnel syndrome (wrist), De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis (wrist and thumb), as well as neck and back pain (poor posture).

A Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) occurs after prolonged repetitive actions. The resulting pain, aching, weakness and/or stiffness can decrease a person’s activity level, productivity at work and the ability to perform everyday tasks.

How we help

If you currently have an RSI, don’t worry, we are here to help. Our approach involves a combination of therapy, exercise and bracing to WHOLE-istically treat the issue and prevent future incidents.

During the initial acute phase of injury, is important to support the structure and let your body naturally begin to heal. This is when it is beneficial to practice PRICE: Protect (bracing), Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate.

Once pain and irritation have subsided you should consult a Physiotherapist for further treatment. They can provide the right stretches, exercises and movement patterns to bring you back to your pre-injury state.

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